Category: Shamack Exhibition

07. 03. 2022

Time-laps Mix video

You can see in this video different projects and designing flow. I have started using Zbrush 3d Designing software 2 years ago and this has […]

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06. 03. 2022

Santa 3d concept for Christmas exhibition last year

It might not be a right time of the year but I wanted to show this video as think it might be an interesting to […]

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06. 03. 2022

Design for Tofi Tattoo Experiment – Doctor Plague

I have been invited to take part in Tofi tattoo Experiment where all invited artists designing the same idea in their own style. It has […]

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06. 03. 2022

Custom Biomechanical Back based on Zbrush 3d Project

This is one of my favourite piece done with using 3d designing software We had a lot of fun with creating process from research on […]

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06. 03. 2022

Mask done in Zbrush

This is a design based on some reference found online. which was a my first airbrush painting done few years ago One of my customers […]

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